The Feast of Corpus Christi was celebrated with special reverence in our Home this year! Since it is the Year of Mercy and Pope Francis continually stresses the need for evangelization, we decided to have an outdoor Eucharistic Procession around our neighborhood.
Because this hasn’t been done in many, many years, the news of it quickly spread and the entire Home was abuzz in preparations for this opportunity to evangelize and give Honor, Glory and Praise to the Most Holy Blessed Sacrament! Fr. Timothy Reilly, Chancellor of the Diocese of Providence, presided at the procession.
The Arts & Crafts department worked diligently to make a beautiful hand sewn canopy to cover and protect the monstrance and the end results proved to be truly a work of love. Others called the police department, made flyers, programs and organized volunteers. We were truly humbled and edified to see that the majority of our employees volunteered their time to accompany our Residents to proclaim Praise to our Lord and King!
The procession began in the Chapel and our first stop was the Fire Station on Pawtucket Ave. where we had our first benediction. Our last benediction was at the Statue of Saint Jeanne Jugan in the front of the Home. Nearby neighbors watched the procession from the sidewalks and porches. Others looked out to see where the singing was coming from!
All showed reverence as Priest passed by their house holding the Monstrance high for all to see. One neighbor was so overcome with emotion she was in tears. Another family of six joined in the procession to the very end. As we followed Fr. Reilly back to the chapel to repose the Blessed Sacrament, we all paused for a moment the thank God for this great grace that just occurred, to ponder, and give thanks, for this great opportunity to evangelize and proclaim God’s goodness and might to all the nations! Blesses Be God!
Feast of Corpus Christi