As Little Sisters of the Poor we care for the elderly poor in the spirit of humble service we have received from our foundress, Saint Jeanne Jugan. We welcome the elderly as we would Jesus Christ himself and serve them with love and respect until God calls them home.
We welcome low-income elderly of at least 65 years of age regardless of race, religion, ethnic background or source of payment.
The atmosphere of Jeanne Jugan Residence is friendly and home-like.
We strive to provide the best level of medical care possible, but we go beyond that to minister to our Residents emotionally and spiritually, making them happy and communicating to them the tenderness and mercy of God.
We encourage an active lifestyle through meaningful activities, a lively pastoral program and opportunities for volunteering.
We adhere to all the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, especially those concerning the sanctity of human life.
We reject all forms of euthanasia and assisted suicide and protect our Residents from these practices, as well as from all forms of abuse and neglect.
The compassionate care and accompaniment of the dying is the summit of our ministry. At Jeanne Jugan Residence it is our goal that no one dies alone.
We welcome the collaboration of many dedicated staff members, Association Jeanne Jugan members, volunteers and benefactors, who are the extended hands and hearts of the Little Sisters.
Our Philosophy