Sophie Pearson; Medical Records Secretary,
Liz McIlmail; Med Tech,
Bethany Araujo; Reception
Sophie, our Home’s Medical Records secretary, started working for the Little Sisters here in Pawtucket in our laundry room over 30 years ago. “What I like best about being here is the interactions I have with the residents, Sisters and fellow employees,” reflects Sophie. Working here has become a family affair; Sophie’s daughter Liz is a Med Tech on our 4th floor, and grandchildren Bethany and Cody work part-time at our Home’s reception desk.
Rose Spavold, volunteer
Whenever there is help needed in our Home you can expect to see Rose here to lend ahand.With her background skills in mail room processing, she’s a big help when the Development Office has a bulk mail project.Her friendly smile can be found in our Gift Shop when she volunteers on Thursday afternoons.Rose is also ready to roll up her sleeves at our annual Christmas bazaar, yard sale and other special events.
Debbie Jallow, CNA
Debbie has been working in our Home for nine years as a certified nursing assistant. She lives just down the street and used to see nurses and aides coming in and out of the Residence. Before joining the Jeanne Jugan family she worked in a home for the developmentally disabled. “This is the best place I have ever been,” says Debbie, “I love it and I will never leave!”
Francine Venturini, volunteer and Oscar LaPlante, Resident
“I enjoy setting tables, serving residents their dinner and helping them in any way that I can,” said Francine. She lives in the neighborhood and comes every day to help in the Home’s main dining room. Oscar, a Resident, remarked, “Francine is always so courteous and such an efficient server.”
Sr. Emilie, Dietary Director
Sister Emilie is responsible for the dietary and dining services in our home. She also shares her expertise with many other homes in our Brooklyn province, and has even trained new cooks at our motherhouse in France!She also enjoys sharing her kitchen with local chefs and restaurants when they come to prepare special meals for the Residence.
Ray Chartier, Resident
Ray has just recently become a Resident of the Jeanne Jugan Residence.When asked what he likes best about his new home Ray replied, “the well-organized and professional system that is in place to care for the elderly”. Quite often you’ll find Ray in our Home’s Maintenance Shop. One of his recent projects was to paint and repair the benches for our gardens.
AldeaLaporte, Resident
Aldea has called Jeanne Jugan Residence home for the last four years. “The sisters and staff treat you so beautifully and our meals are fabulous! I just love it here. I feel so safe and it’s so clean. What more could you want?” said Aldea.
Theresa Paon, Resident
Theresa’s smile can be seen throughout the residence–whether it be in the coffee shop at an ice cream social or taking the pet canary on the fourth floor to her room for a visit.She is so fond of the company, the food and the chapel.“I just like everything about living here,” exclaimed Theresa.
Anne Richardson, AJJ Member
When one of the Little Sisters visited her parish years ago, Anne happened to mention her sewing skills.The Sisters have been blessed to have such an accomplished seamstress making their habits ever since. In 2002 she became a member of the Association Jeanne Jugan. Anne has formed friendships with many residents that she has met at the Home.
Mary Crockett, Resident
Mary has brought a lot of life into our home. She always signs up for shopping trips on the Residence’s Trolley Bus and also enjoys spending time on the computer in the fourth floor library.Her love of the Home extends to her son and his family, who are frequent visitors and great supporters of the Little Sisters of the Poor.
Bishop Francis X. Roque, Resident
Bishop Roque was invited to come live here in early 2012.He loves it here, especially because of the sisters and the prayer life.He finds the spirit of the Home, regular Mass and daily prayers to be inspiring.“There is a spirit of charity and mutual support; so many features abound in this beautiful House of Faith”.
Meet Our Family