You’re a Grand Old Flag
On Tuesday morning, June 14 Maintenance Director Dan put together a wonderful presentation detailing the history of the American Flag, the particulars of each fold of a military flag folding ceremony, and how to properly display and dispose of an American Flag.
More than forty Residents, Sisters and staff gathered in the garden and enjoyed Dan’s very informative demonstration. The event began with a beautiful prayer by Sr. Mary Vincent and ended in a flag raising ceremony in the front parking lot complete with patriotic songs.
Opening Prayer
We thank you for all the blessings that you have given to us as a nation
and we continue to pray for our nation that it may continue to grow.
May we truly return to the roots of what of we were built upon – life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
May we learn again to love and respect one another and to work together as a nation
to build up our land so that it truly may be a witness to your love from shore to shore.
Lord we praise and thank you for gathering us this day as we honor our flag and our nation.
We ask you to bless each one of us and we praise and thank you for so many
who have worked so hard throughout their lives to better our nation and our world.
And we ask all these things as we celebrate today in your name.
God Bless America.
You’re a Grand Old Flag