Springtime Splendor!
The month of May. So many celebrations! Where to begin? The Feast of St. Joseph the Worker! Mother’s Day! The Feast of Our Lady of Fatima! Ascension Thursday! Springtime Blooms! And finally, a very special birthday!
Let’s begin with our Patron, St. Joseph, to whom we confide our needs and who protects our home. Then, Our Lady, who we honor on May 13 and the entire month of May.
We honor our mothers too, the very special ladies of our Jeanne Jugan Family! What a privilege it was for us (and what fun we had!) to make corsages for each and every mother (a small sample of photos below) and to decorate our home with dozens upon dozens of carnations donated by the Knights of Columbus.
And if we hadn’t enough to celebrate, the joy and excitement continued as we celebrated Deolinda’s 102nd birthday! May God bless you on this very special occasion!
The garden in bloom. The pandemic subsiding. New Life. Our Home and our Jeanne Jugan family still safe and happy. God is good! St. Joseph, Our Lady of Fatima ~ please continue to pray for us!
Springtime Splendor!