Rejoice and Pray
On the Feast of All Saints we rejoice and honor all those men women who led lives of heroic virtue. Each year near the entrance of our Chapel we arrange a festival of saints, all who continue to be an example of how we should live and love. St. Jeanne Jugan, St. Patrick, St Anne, St. Mother Theresa, Pope Saint John Paul II, St. Francis, St. Therese, pray for us!
During Mass on November 2, the Feast of All Souls, Father Quigley shared a story of a young man who lost his father at a very young age. Father reminded us that while death means separation from someone we love, death is not the final word for those who believe. Jesus lives eternally with God and that is what will happen to us. We pray for our departed loved ones, and for ourselves, to continue to hold onto the promise of eternal life.
On November 8, we held a commemorative Mass to prayerfully remember those of our Jeanne Jugan Family who have passed away, especially those who were called home to God during this past year.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.
And let the perpetual light shine upon them.
And may the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God,
rest in peace.
Be assured of our continued prayers for you and your loved ones.
Rejoice and Pray